Decimator 12G-CROS | HDMI/SDI 4K Cross Converter with Scaling and Frame Rate

Product Overview

From Decimator, 12G-CROSS is a HDMI/SDI 4K Cross Converter with Scaling and Frame Rate. Portable and powerful, it can be used in almost any environment with quiet, fan-less performance. Its 4K scaling engine can be driven by either the SDI or HDMI input, supports horizontal and/or vertical flipping, and can be locked to either the SDI, HDMI or Genlock input. Audio pairs in the SDI and HDMI outputs can also be rearranged as required, allowing for up to 3249 possible format conversions. Four 3G/HD/SDI outputs enable the 12G-CROSS to also be used as a 1 to 4 distribution amplifier. All features are easy to navigate with the on-board LCD screen and button control system.

Decimator DD-12G-CROSS Features

  • High-quality 4K HDMI/SDI Cross Converter encased in a robust aluminum body
  • Versatile device offering simultaneous sourcing from HDMI or SDI input to HDMI or SDI outputs
  • Innovative 4K scaling engine capable of horizontal and/or vertical flipping
  • Supports an impressive 57 formats for scaling and/or frame rate conversion
  • Functions as a 1 to 4 distribution amplifier with 4 x (3G/HD/SD)-SDI outputs
  • User-friendly with an easy-to-use LCD screen and button control system, and a USB port for control and firmware updates

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