Shure UR4S+ Wireless Receiver – Single Chnl Mic Kit

While our site does not specify wireless products by channel or frequency range, we do stock different ones. If you require a specific channel.
  • UR1  Wireless Bodypack Transmitter. Removable antenna, highly durable. Eight hour battery life, 500 ft. range.
  • UR2  Handheld transmitter with choice of microphone cartridge.
  • UR4+  Single-channel and Dual-channel Diversity Receivers. Up to 160 compatible systems (multiple bands).
  • Shure UHF-R® Wireless Microphone Systems deliver uncompromising RF performance and sound in the high-pressure environments of large-scale tours and installations. Automatic and intuitive setup features provide sound professionals with all the flexibility they need to tightly control up to 160 systems. Compatible with Wireless Workbench® 6 software.

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